It's also possible to combine these approaches. That also works the other way around: With your personal stuff right at your disposal, you might find yourself procrastinating.

Your company email and Slack are just a click away, so depending on your mindset, it might be hard to snap out of work mode when you just want to scroll through Twitter or watch Netflix at night. If you have both a personal and a work account, you might also have problems mentally entering leisure mode in your mind due to the lack of boundaries between the two profiles. You won't have separate password protection for each account, so if you forget to lock your Chromebook, an intruder could access all of your Google accounts (and more). These are only available when you create a new user for each of these accounts. The most significant disadvantage with this solution is that you don't have access to your secondary accounts' bookmarks, saved passwords, browsing history, or custom search engines. You don't need to have two browser instances running simultaneously, so you can save some of that precious RAM. If you know of any other solutions for creating and managing multiple sessions in the same browser window, tell us about it in the comments below.Using one user for two or more Google accounts is additionally less resource-intensive than juggling multiple users concurrently. If, however, you’re looking for a dedicated browser for the same purpose, you can check out Insomniac browser. The above extensions work with the native Chrome Browser to give you a multi-session experience. MultiLogin is a free Chrome extension, available for download from the Chrome Web Store. You can either start a new session by clicking on the extension from the top right corner, or right-clicking on a web URL and choosing the “Open Link in New Identity” option. The extension gives you the option to begin a new browsing session each time you open a tab. It’s pretty minimalistic when you consider its features.

MultiLogin is yet another lightweight Chrome extension that lets you create multiple sessions across different tabs in the same browser window. SessionBox is a free Chromium compatible extension, available on Chrome Web Store.